Thursday, April 7, 2011

It Was An....

Itty Bitty Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini... Jake and I had a gift card to baby gap so we decided to purchase Austin his first swim trunks. While browsing the over priced apparel, we came across this little number: Ok well the one we saw was black but still....We both instantly fell in love. I said to Jake "If we ever have a girl.." I didn't even need to finish because he just cut me off and said "OH YES." So, maybe one day Austin will have a baby sister that can run around with him outside in the sprinklers in her itty bitty teeny weeny bikini :-) Oh what a sweet dream....
These are the swim trunks we got Austin, cannot WAIT to take him swimming!! The joys of summer, right around the corner. And with our baby fun!!


The Alvords said...

Lucy has that bathingsuit! We'll have to get the babes together for a pool day this summer.

Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

Kim! I have that suit for Devin. Baby girls are so much fun. But so are boys! Hopefully you get the best of both worlds like us, I am sure you will though!

The Richards said...

Girls are very fun to dress... until they get their own opinion about everything. Trying to find a swimming suit for her this year seemed impossible. So, when you get your little girl... enjoy getting to choose EVERYTHING in the first few years.

Chris and Brittani Knudsen said...

Kim, I am laughing so hard because we got Lydia and Audrey that exact swimming suit for Easter, it is different colors but the same suit (ha ha ha!) Love Austin's swimming suit, it is studly!

Ashley King said...

I'm cracking up that everyone has that girl swimsuit. I cannot stomach spending that much cash on baby swimsuits. Eek. But it is SO cute. Anyway, love the trucks you got Austin, can't wait to see him sportin' them this summer!