Here are Austin's 6 month stats:
Weight: 16.12lbs (40%)
Height: 27 1/2" (80%)
Head: 95%
Poor guy has a big noggin, which can really make him seem bigger than he is. He is tall, and just below average for weight. He has always fit into clothes that are a few months ahead, so as usual, everything he wears is 9-12 months at this point. I had a thousand questions for dr memmott about feeding Austin solids. I don't even know why I stress about it so much, I'm so dumb. I was just iffy about it because when we started them at 4 months, he really hated his bottle and it scared me because everything you read says there shouldn't be a decrease in formula when they're 4-6 months. So he only got solids here and there in spurts. He LOVES them to say the least! Which I shouldn't complain! But I was so happy to hear from the dr that there is no right answer and all you have to remember is Austin will know when he's full, he may not drink as much formula now - and that's fine - so just relax and go with the flow haha. I feel better now knowing I can't really go wrong and to just follow Austin's lead. I also decided to stop counting how many ounces he drinks. I feel like I'm not doing either of us a favor by doing that. That's definitely a benefit of don't obsess over every ounce! So basically I'm finally relaxing on his eating and I feel so much better about it! Pretty sure this guy is not going to waste away any time soon LOL so why should I worry. I don't know if you moms get this question alot too but people always ask me "how is it being a mom? Is it everything you thought?" Maybe I'm weird but I don't know how to answer except with what they probably expect me to say: "it's so fun, lots of work but incredibly rewarding, love being with my baby every day etc." But it's so true. Your life changes forever, but it's awesome and sooo fun! It's still strange to not have the alone time Jake and I use to have but now we have family time and it's still amazing. We now know what the term "pride and joy" means. We are obsessed with our little boy and cannot get enough of him. When we're both home and he wakes up from his naps we let him play and talk for a minute then we both run to his room to see who can get there first to see our funny guy hanging out in his crib. We talk about him before we fall asleep. We talk about him when we're out on a "date." It's funny how the focus of your life changes in the blink of an eye!
Some things I love about being a mom:
- When he wakes up in the AM or from a nap, and he's SO excited to see me!
- He has started cuddling more, and nuzzles his face into my shoulder or chest
- His big smiles for ME, when he's being held by someone else
- Watching him discover/taking him to new places
- Having a buddy to hang out with all day. Makes errands incredibly enjoyable!
- Having something to show for my hard work each day haha
- Being busy all the time
- Experiencing true happiness and the bliss that comes with watching every milestone!
Some facts about Austin at this point:
- Still a great eater and sleeper. Usually takes 3 naps a day, last one being about 30-45 minutes. Sleeping about 10.5-11 hrs at night. I finally put curtains up in his room and he's sleeping an hour later, so I need to work really hard at getting him to bed what I think is a reasonable time for a baby haha
- He has had a cough for a week now and also has been sneezing a lot. The dr said it's just a cold and should go away on it's own. Luckily this is only the 2nd time he's been sick, and both times have been minor. This, combined with the irritability from his shots, AND teething, has made for a rough few days!! Poor poor guy. He's just been sad lately, mostly in the evenings.
- He started rolling consistently last month so that's good! I think he will be sitting in a few weeks. I asked the dr how he will learn how to crawl since he instantly rolls over when he's on his stomach and he said it's very common now for them to skip crawling and go straight to walking, so don't worry if he doesnt crawl. But I really want him to, crawling babies are so cute, and plus he REALLY wants to get places on his own and I'd hate to see him have to wait until he WALKS to do this!
- When we hold him he "directs" us using his hands and arms in the direction he wants to go..usually he'll see something he wants to feel and pickup so he'll show us the direction to go to get to it haha
- I think it's hilarious when he looks at his hands. He'll hold them up in front of his face and stare at them and move them funny.
-he's obsessed with feet and shoes. He'll stare at your feet or shoes and grab them.. and try to eat them (gross)
Well parenthood is crazy and wonderful and I love doing what I do. Now that it's been 6 months, not that that's alot by any means, but I still think 3 kids is a good number. I also think 2 is, but I think 3 is better for the unexplained reason of 2 is just not enough. I think more than 3 might be a little too much for this mamma just because it sounds like too much to juggle! I'm not sure I'd be able to be the mom I want to be with more than 3. I want to give as much time as possible to each child, but also do the things that make myself happy - like exercise...A happy mom is a good mom, right!? Anyway we'll see what the future holds ;-)
I love hearing all about cute little Austin, I am still bummed that I haven't met that little guy officially! This stage is so much fun, enjoy goes fast (obviously, ha ha ha!)
Just when I thought he couldn't get any cuter... you have to go ahead and post his 6 month pictures. Haha.
I can't believe he is 6 months already. Where does the time go?
I loved this post though... it's nice to hear about everything he is doing, especially the small stuff since I feel like we miss out on that stuff not seeing you guys a lot.
And I would also have to agree with you that three is a good number, even though I had no choice in the matter. But on the flip side, you guys make such cute kids maybe you should have four.
Love all these cute pictures! It cracks me up how obsessed he is with staring at his hands! I agree that sometimes 2 seems so much easier but there's something about 3...I don't know, we'll see how we all end up I guess :)
aww he is getting so big! I had a Snoopy (or, Boopy is what I called him haha)when I was little too. I LOVED him! And to this day he is still in my closet... I'm not sure if Joe knows it's in there or he may make fun of me lol But there is WAY too much emotional value to it I couldn't stand to see it go!
He's such a cute lil' stinker! We thought Alex would go straight to crawling, because he hated to be on his stomach and would roll over immediately. But he did crawl at about 10 months. A little later than most, but I was okay with that. I wish Devin would have waited to crawl. She is killing me!
P.s. I agree on the 2-3 kids.. Since we have two I don't know if I can handle another one! But at the same time I can't believe Devin is it and It will be the last time I am doing the baby thing. We shall see!
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