Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why I Already Love This Weekend

This weekend is going to be wonderful. Why? Thanks for asking ;-) We are going to pay a little visit to the temple on Friday, which is hard to find time for these days with a baby! I can't wait to get inside those sacred walls.
And it is General Conference. I never got Genereal Conference growing up. All I knew is it was a weekend some of my neighborhood friends couldn't play..and some actually COULD play on Sunday haha. Who knew these men of that age could be so dead on with what's going on in this world and what WILL be going on in this world?? Prophets. Seers. Revelaters. Just Sayin'...

*also I am very much looking forward to not having to get myself and my baby ready to be to church by 9am, and being able to cook a good breakfast :-)

1 comment:

Brittani said...

I love this weekend too...can't wait to hear from the prophet and stay in my p.j.'s all day (ha ha ha!)