Monday, December 27, 2010


I shed a tear (or two) today. I am boxing up all of Austin's clothes that he has grown out of.

And I realized I will NOT be seeing "NB" on the tag of his clothes anymore. Nor "0-3mo." I really miss him being a little tiny newborn (well, tiny to all of you who have itty bittys). I miss:

-his newborn, swollen face
-his tiny-ness
-holding him on my lap as I burped him, and how he was all hunched over
-letting him sleep on my chest for as many naps as I wanted (we're working on 'good sleep habits' now)
-his newborn diapers

The bottom 2 were my favorites. The top was Jake's. I guess we'll just have to have another one some day!

BUT the great thing is, he is getting SO SO fun! His little personality is coming out. I love that he can:

-totally recognize daddy and mommy and likes to be picked up/cuddles by us
-focus and look at us and everything else
-I love his laughs, attempts at communicating (aka cooing), and smiles...he smiles with his whole body! He just gets so excited his whole body shows it.
-sleep more and more through the night (almost haha)
-grasp things
-suck on his fists
-hold his head up for a good amount of time now
-stand on his legs while I hold him under his arms.......and lots of other things but I've gotta go!

Babies are so fun! Being a mom is a blast, and the BEST job ever!!


Ashley King said...

*tear* I seriously get a little teary every time I have to put away Brekkie's too small clothes too. It is sad that they have to grow so fast, but they get more and more fun so it is worth it!

PS: I miss OP! I haven't seen that little chunky man for over a month!

Chris and Brittani Knudsen said...

Oh I know it is so hard to see them grow up, and it happens way too fast. It sounds like you are enjoying every second of it though and that is all you can do. Hope you guys had a great Christmas and new years!