Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Jake and I have had a tad bit of "off-luck" lately as I would call it, so I decided I need to rise above the cloud and name some Gratitudables (yep, I just made that word up).
I am thankful for:
1. The clothes Chels just lent me. I am astonished at how quickly things are beginning to not fit. And I refuse to buy more clothes with the Little coming in 7 weeks.
2. Saved $ in checking and savings ;-).
3. The babe resting and growing inside. He has the hiccups right now. Aww...
4. The cooler weather as of late.
5. Seeing Haloween things popping up...because the aforementioned Little will be a Haloween baby.
6. My dad. He loves me unconditionally. He's helped me through some rough personal times and I can feel his desire to be closer to his family (he lives in Cali). My mom. At the drop of a hat, she would give me her beating heart if I needed it. My sister. Her passion. Her maturity. Her non-judgementalness. All which merit an individual who is not nearly a whole decade younger and not even 20 yet.
7. Everyday when my husband walks through the door after work: The pure joy it brings me, even though it's happened some 1,215 times since we've been married.

8. Cereal. Pickles. Sweet pork. Cheese. (not all together)
9. The Footloose dance scene recreated in Hot Rod. And, the real scene with Kevin Bacon. It's pretty cheesy.

10. Everything running related. My shoes. My stroller. Being out of breath. Sweating. I can't wait to hit the pavement!
11. Friends!!!!
12. My religion.

13. Lotion, chapstick..and yummy smelling things like that.

14. The chorister in Primary, who, during Sharing Time, told the kids what would happen if they didn't cross the street safely. "You would get run over by a truck and your head would smash like a watermelon and brain juice would come squirting out." Whoa! I was dying of laughter.

15. The picture slide show Jake and I watched last night of our fun vacations. Those pics above are from two seperate trip to badly I want to return!!
16. The patience I've learned over the past year and a half. It's not easy to learn some of the most important things!
17. The mere fact that, after a number of years, dogs and their owners look alike or at the very least resemble eachother in either looks or personality! Not kidding. Pay attention the next time you drive down your street. Exemptions: Ashley. You do NOT look like a pug lol


J & B said...

hello there! just up reading your blog cuz logan thinks this is a good time to party! just thought we would drop by to say hi! logan can't wait for his bf to get here!!

Ashley King said...

Thanks for saying I don't look like a pug (although I probably have pug-ish days!). So if I'm the exception, is Jandie: a)Barkley, b)Bea, c)Kitty, or d)Lucy? ;)

Jake and Kim said...

"Jandie resembles Lucy..jk" -From Jake

*on a more serious note, I believe Jandie!!

Chris and Brittani Knudsen said...

I'm going to have to agree with ya about the "Footloose" scene in Hot Rod, we will forever be grateful to you guys for introducing us to that movie...our lives have never been the same! I'm really not kidding (ha ha ha!0

P.S. I totally agree that owners look like their dogs...and Chris and Che' act like each other in the sense that they are both Bulls in a china shop!

Chelsea said...

Haha! Love this post.