Sunday, November 13, 2011


I am awake. It is 2:30am. For some reason I woke up with stuffy sinuses. So I popped some Sudafed and now am waiting for it to work. And thought I would give a go to a post.

My good friend Ashley a while back did "Thing That Must Go" which is fun to read. x96 Does their/your list of things that must go every week. Here is my list of Things That Must Go:

1. Jello. The pudding can stay.
2. The Kardashians. Wait, not yet. I am still addicted to watching all of you live like you are the center of the universe. If you want to here the latest, talk to me. How embarassing.
3. the wind
4. germs
5. Indian food
6. dead car batteries..mostly when you happen when someone is trying to be efficient and they have two screaming babies. (that one's for you Ashley!)
7. Austin's straw cup that decided to erupt a continuous flow of MILK straight down my shirt on a 30 min car ride. We (me and the cup) are still on non-speaking terms.
8. scary shows or movies
9. the fact that organic food is more expensive
10. Two weeks of no new Modern Family
11. Justin Bieber
12. the thought of being pregnant again

To leave on a positive note, Things That Can Stay:
1. My clear sinuses :)
2. Chapstick
3. sweet potato fries
4. living close to loved ones
5. christmas decorations at the stores
6. mittens with fingers and then the cover that can go off and on
7. the thought of being pregnant again
8. cheese..haha really i am serious. cheddar tobe exact
9. Costco...cuz it's awesome
10. austin being a dancing fool. he even dances to church hymns. his favorites are rock classics, party favorites, and hard core rap.

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