Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Austin Turns One!

Well I guess Austin is officially not a baby anymore, which is so sad!! He will always be my baby though. His birthday was a month ago today, so now he is even getting closer to 15months! We had a great, laid back birthday party with our families; I couldn't have asked for a better get together for our little one :)

I am no cake decorator but was determined to make his cake myself. I am not on pinterest and now am thinking I should be! But seriously, I had so much fun making his first birthday cake. I cannot take credit for the cupcakes...My sis-in-law Alex did them! I just told her what I wanted and she delivered :) thanks for your labors Alex haha! I should also say Jake cut the legs for the spiders, and we all decided he needed to quit when we did the math and found out we needed 96 legs for a dozen cupcakes. Five was enough at that point!
And a big thanks to my other sis-in-law Loraca for taking all the pictures. I am horrible and taking pics and was so happy to have like a hundred (haha!) pics of this night!

Not sure yet about the cake...

This picture cracks me up. Paparazzi!! The looks on our faces are priceless lol.

He mostly got frosting..which is the best part anyway, right?

The flashing cameras, swooning loved ones, and sugar overdose got to him, and he was done hahaha poor guy!

Uncle Ryan! Austin loves his uncles.

Grandma Tammy and aunt Kristina!

Present time! He was so sick of being cleaned off I didn't dare wipe the last bit of frosting off his face.

My sister put together a video montage of Austin from birth to now, it was so so awesome, I loved it. A tear-jerker for sure!

With aunt Alex and uncle Ryan, in his brand new GLOW IN THE DARK pj's! Pretty sure I want a pair of those myself :)

Papa and Grandma Jaime

The Peterson side

aunt Loraca and uncle Jordan!

With daddy, feeling his beard haha

By the end of the night he was pretty sleepy. He loved it when my mom rubbed his face with this blanket.

My little helper

Our family on Halloween (forgot my whiskers oops)

He fell completely asleep eating lunch the other day...

Austin John at 12 Months:

- 20lbs (20%) 29 1/2"..that is a guess (60%) and head still 100+% The doctor hinted towards fattening him a up a bit since he dropped too much percentage wise. Like putting butter on his toast, things like that. Which made sense to me because it seemed like he was ALWAYS hungry. Now things have evened out. He is getting his 2nd flu shot tomorrow so we'll see how his weight is.

- he jibber jabbers a ton, to me it sounds like "warbling" and also tries words like kitty, toast, banana, night night, to name a few

- He has some toys he can push/walk around the house. He seriously goes crazy with them. He runs, turns, backs-up, crashes into people and things on purpose. I am tempted to hide them for a week and see if he will just try walking without them. He can stand on his own for a short while. But still no attempt at walking alone.

-Working on his 8th tooth

- Loves to rough-house with daddy

-tries to do somersaults on his own

-he was officially off the bottle 4 days after he turned 1. I didn't really expect him to care, and he didn't. It was as if he never even had a bottle. He absolutely loves cow's milk, he gulps it down! He probably drinks about 10-15 ounces a day, plus the other dairy I give him he should be ok in that department. He also loves water. Not a fan of juice, which is fine with me. I have been wanting to try smoothies.. I think he would love them. Plus I can sneak some veggies (his worst enemy unfortunately) into them.

- Favorite foods: oatmeal, pancakes, oranges, goldfish, chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven (that's my boy!), grilled cheese, spaghetti, bananas, pears, blueberries, bread, frozen yogurt... to name a few.

-Takes one nap a day, going down between 12:30 and 1. He usually sleeps 2-3 1/2 hrs. He goes to bed around 9 and wakes up between 6:30-7:30. Yes, 6:30!!!

-He loves to dance, whenever he hears music he will just break out his moves. He dances to anything! Church hymns, rap, kid tunes, rock, daddy singing, you name it! It's hilarious. He bounces his knees, shakes his head, throws his hands around; it is so dang cute.

- Tries to put his own socks and shoes on, also hats.

-Hates getting his teeth brushed!

- Loves to be a part of whatever we are doing. He will "help" and get right in the middle, which actually means he gets in the way, but it's fine! We will miss that one day when he wants nothing to do with us!

- Can unroll an entire roll of TP in 10 seconds. Likes to lift the lid on the toilet (which is a big no no!)

-Has roaring/yelling matches with daddy at any given time

- when he is done eating he either tries to say "all done" or swipes his food on the floor

-loves the radio and asks for it to be turned on whenever he is eating

- for some reason is obsessed with my headbands and puts them on haha

- is perfectly content riding in the stroller for the 50 minutes it takes me to go for a run

- doesnt have the patience at this point for reading an entire book..he will turn the pages until it's over then grabs a new one

- Likes to look at cars driving by and makes a roaring noise

- will dip his face in the water during a bath and is so proud of himself after he does it!

-Has had a balloon pop while biting it, and also while laying on one..and it didn't scare him thank goodness.

-Likes to cuddle in the morning in his rocker when he wakes up

I know I am missing some, but at least I got a good list of the things I don't want to forget! Austin is our world, and we cannot imagine not ever having him. We just can't imagine not having children at all. This past year has seriusly taught me some lessons on unconditional love, patience, and the biggest one of all..selflessness. How incredibly HAPPY I am to focus all my time and energy on someone other than myself. I get a TINY glimpse of how God feels towards us. Jake and I are in awe of how amazing it is to be parents, and to see both of us in our little guy! We would do anything for Austin, and only want him to be happy. We are sad to see him grow up, but excited to see what this next year will bring :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I am awake. It is 2:30am. For some reason I woke up with stuffy sinuses. So I popped some Sudafed and now am waiting for it to work. And thought I would give a go to a post.

My good friend Ashley a while back did "Thing That Must Go" which is fun to read. x96 Does their/your list of things that must go every week. Here is my list of Things That Must Go:

1. Jello. The pudding can stay.
2. The Kardashians. Wait, not yet. I am still addicted to watching all of you live like you are the center of the universe. If you want to here the latest, talk to me. How embarassing.
3. the wind
4. germs
5. Indian food
6. dead car batteries..mostly when you happen when someone is trying to be efficient and they have two screaming babies. (that one's for you Ashley!)
7. Austin's straw cup that decided to erupt a continuous flow of MILK straight down my shirt on a 30 min car ride. We (me and the cup) are still on non-speaking terms.
8. scary shows or movies
9. the fact that organic food is more expensive
10. Two weeks of no new Modern Family
11. Justin Bieber
12. the thought of being pregnant again

To leave on a positive note, Things That Can Stay:
1. My clear sinuses :)
2. Chapstick
3. sweet potato fries
4. living close to loved ones
5. christmas decorations at the stores
6. mittens with fingers and then the cover that can go off and on
7. the thought of being pregnant again
8. cheese..haha really i am serious. cheddar tobe exact
9. Costco...cuz it's awesome
10. austin being a dancing fool. he even dances to church hymns. his favorites are rock classics, party favorites, and hard core rap.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Catching Up- Sundance

I am playing catch-up starting with our trip to Sundance the first weekend in October. One of Jake's good friends (since highschool) Jake Lucas got married in the most beautiful place, at the most beautiful time of year! His cute wife Jenny is awesome, and let's just say they know how to put on a gorgeous wedding, with every detail being picture perfect. This is only the second time I have been to Sundance, and really it is so pretty up there. The leaves were changing, and it was sunny with blue skies all weekend.

Our husbands went up early Friday for a day of mountain biking with the groom. We ladies drove up that afternoon, leaving the kiddos behind for the entire weekend! Baby Dane ofcourse came and put up with the adult happenings. He was a champ! It was so strange not taking care of Austin for 2 days. I felt out of place, but at the same time it was super nice to enjoy the weekend with our friends, doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.

One of the nights before hot tubbing we had a mini-dance party. Well, Nick did haha!

Mom and Dad without the babe:
Nick and Jake being, being...um "alluring"? :-)

This picture makes me laugh. I love that they are altogether but what's with the hands on the shoulders??

Group Pic!

I don't think Jandie and I have a picture since before the boys were born! (we avoided them while pregnant)

The newest baby of the group. Dane was a good sport the whole weekend, from sitting through the wedding; to being bounced around in his mama's arms sans carseat in the van-shuttle ride up the mountain; to sleeping through a game of pool, another dance party (Nick and Jandie), and spooooky ghost stories told by Mr. Nick King himself..all happening literally right outside his door.

This was where the ceremony took place. So pretty!!So on the shuttle ride up to the wedding, they couldn't fit our whole group so Matt had to squeeze into the back!!

Bill, the oh-so-responsible groomsman, eating his pizza before the wedding

A snap of the kitchen and tv area of the cabin. The cabin was giant. We could have fit way more people. It was great to be in a nice, beautiful cabin instead of a hotel room. And for 2 nights less expensive than one night! Thank you to Ashley, who always seems to cut a great deal and scores the best finds for us all to stay! We decided this needs to be an annual tradition.

Congrats again to Lucas and Jenny!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Yikes I have some major catching up to do!! A slight dilemma..Our (old) computer has officially run out of space for me to upload any pictures. I have about 250+ pics I need to get off my camera! So it's just a matter getting them onto a CD so I can at least store them and then finally update the old blog! For now these are "stolen" pics from our friend album on photobucket, and my mom's iPhone.

But here is what we've missed...Mostly so I can remember what to post haha!

He turned 1!! Yay for Austin :) As of 3 days after his birthday he is off the bottle completely, and L-O-V-E-S milk. He gulps it right down. That's probably the biggest news. He can walk around pushing a toy, practicing for walking alone someday.
Our friend Jake Lucas married his perfect match, Jenny, on October 1st. We had so much fun staying in Sundance, in a cabin, with our friends (child-less) for 2 nights. I am pretty sure our husbands are in their own world when they all get together :)

And well Jake is in his own world at times...(this is him at our Sundance digs)

We went to Discover Gateway..

Halloween came and went! Turns out all 3 little boys (Kings', Clarkes', and Austin) were doggies. So cute. Devin was an ADORABLE peacock, which you will see when I post.

On to November! Burrr....