Our baby boy Austin John Peterson arrived via C-section on Friday, Oct 15 at 5:44pm. He weighed in at 8lb 4oz and measured 22 1/2 inches long! HUGE baby! I do not have a clue how he fit inside his mother! But my stretched, unhappy, recovering skin clues me in.
Remember stubborn little guy Austin decided to turn sideways at about 37 weeks. Deep down inside, I KNEW there was a reason. People kept trying to give me tips on how to get him to turn and I didn't try any of them because my instinct told me he turned for a very good reason, probably having to do with delivery. My feelings were indefinitely confirmed while I was laying on the operating table, 2 minutes after Austin was born. I looked my Doctor in the eye and asked "Dr. Terry. Would he have fit out the other way?" My doctor said "NO." So...there ya have it. He was not only a stubborn baby but knew exactly what he was doing. I am very thankful I did not have to have an emergency C-Section which is what would have happened!
The delivery was one crazy experience. Jake and I found out on Thurs the 14th at my dr's appt that we would be having our baby the next day. My dr tried to turn him by pushing my tummy (which hurt pretty bad but not as bad as being checked) and was obviously unsuccessful. Dr Terry shortly after said "well..let's get this show on the road!" I LOVED him the instant he said that!!! So Austin was born at 38 wks 6 days.
I was scheduled to have him at 5 and they started at 5:15. I couldn't eat/drink all day. I got a migraine. Jake and I were both nervous/anxious/super excited to meet our son. I held up pretty well until the anesthesiologist came in and explained the spinal block. That made it all the more real. It was REALLY happening. I was going to have major surgery, and they were going to pull a baby out. Whoa. I lost it. I started bawling and my family left so Jake and I could have some alone time. I was soooo freaking nervous and excited. They wheeled me into the operating room and administered the spinal block, which thankfully as I felt it numb my body from the toes up to the boobs, I finally relaxed!
The procedure went very smoothly. Jake took pictures of the whole process and I bet I will post them here and gross everyone out, they are pretty sweet. I only felt tugging, pushing, and pulling. THat's it! I thought my ribs were going to break when Dr Terry was pulling Austin out, it hurt pretty bad!! But they said it would. Jake said it was awesome to watch my insides sitting outside my body haha. He said when they broke my water it was like gallons just gushing out all over everywhere! I could see partially what they were doing in the relfection above me in the lights. It was so weird! But they finally pulled him out and said "he has hair. he has a big head" haha. I heard him cry and boy that was the BEST sound in the world!! I was praying the whole time he'd be ok. It was pretty relaxed, we were just talking and joking with the dr's while they worked on me. I was so glad to be wide awake!
Jake held Austin first and showed him to me and let me kiss his little cheeks. Soon after, Austin started grunting instead of crying which resulted in him going to the NICU for 4 hrs. That sucked. Jake was with him the entire time though thank goodness. But that meant I was alone in the recovery room for 4 hrs...our families came and went but mostly everyone hung out at the NICU to make sure Austin was ok. He apparently had some trouble breathing, which is common with C-Section babies. For the rest of the stay in the hospital he was in and out of having to permanently stay in the regular nursery so they could monitor his Oxygen levels (he turned blue a couple times!) That was so hard and i hated not having my baby in my room with me. He was only permanently in our room maybe for a couple days at most. So I was quite selfish with him when I could have him! (sorry visitors!)
But Austin improved and was able to come home with us the day I was discharged (tues). He lost too much weight in the hospital, I think just over a pound, but has easily gained it back!
It's crazy how much your life can change in the blink of an eye! I keep telling Jake I was pregnant for 9 whole months but that still doesn't prepare you for the change of being a parent! We are so in love with our little boy. I am in awe at the daddy Jake is. He loves his boy! He is obsessed and so good at taking care of Austin. A couple times, he has stayed up with him while I've slept and I feel daddy is as good as mommy. He has given him his baths (I assist) and changed all but 2 diapers while we were in the hospital (he taught me how). He has clipped his nails... SO fun! Here are some pics! PS so this nurse knocked our camera off the table in the hospital and broke it!! The SECOND day we were there!!! Luckily, IMC owned up and told us to buy a new one and they would reimburse us.
Also, IMC has a photographer that came and took pics of Austin..they are SOOO cute. I will post them when we get the CD in the mail.
Also, thank you to all our friends and family for your support and love!! We've been so spoiled!! I thank the Octagon for those cute blog posts too, I just barely saw them!!
in closing...Yesterday Jake said "when are we going to have our next baby?" It was more a rhetorical question, but all I can say is hmmmmm.....
Austin is so adorable! I can't wait to meet him! I'm glad everything went well with the c-section and hope you're recovering quickly. I agree that being a mom is the hardest job ever, but it is the most rewarding too. It's so fun to experience the world with them for the first time.
awww Kim i loooove him!!! congratulations, he is so cute!! Eat it up, it goes WAY too fast!!!
Such cute pics (of course because he is such a cute baby!). I think he look soooo much like you in the tub picture. And the one where he broke out of the swaddle...awe!
LOL to Jake wondering when the next one will be. I was telling my nurses I was totally ready for another one the same day I had Brekke and they thought I was nuts!
So happy to have Austin in the "family" :)
He is such a handsome baby! You guys do great work. I kinda want all of you guys to have a second one of the opposite sex just so I can see what they would look like. Haha. We will definitely have to try to come see him again soon. Hailey is getting a little anxious.
Oh I have been looking forward to this post for a long time! Who are we kidding he is so stinking studly! I am so glad that everything went well and that you had a planned C-section...takes so much of the worry out! We are so excited for you guys, and glad to hear that Jake is giving you some much needed rest (what a good daddy!)
I've been wondering if you had had your little guy yet! He is beautiful! Congrats!
I hope you are feeling better after your C-section. Sophie also weighed 8.4lbs and was not fitting through a birth canal for the life of her either! Good thing they are entirely worth it right?
Enjoy ever moment of little Austin's first hours/days/months of life. They are so precious and it goes by way too quickly. Congrants again!
Congratulations!!! I'm glad everything went well with the delivery and Austin is home safe with you now. He's so adorable!
-Becca Alvord
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