Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Stan Stan the White Man!

Ok I know I post way too much about my job, but here is a conversation I and another teacher had with one of my chicaroos today: (We were waiting outside with them while their parents came to pick them up)

teacher: "Who's mom has a white van?"
student:  "My mom has a white man."
teacher: "Your mom has a white MAN, or VAN?"
student: "A white man!"
teacher: "A MMAN or a VVAN?"
student: "A MAN." (getting annoyed)
teacher: "Your mom has a white man??"
student: "yes." 
teacher: smirking, "Ok.. what's his name?"
student: "Stan." (she was totally serious this whole time)

Hahhahaa how random and strange!  Who knows if this is even true! I will never know!  We have been learning short "a" vowel sounds...so...hmmm yeah I don't know.


Chris and Brittani Knudsen said...

That is hillarious, I always felt like I should write a book my first year teaching of all the funny things my students said...you should do what I wish I had! The second class never seems quite as crazy just cause it is your first!

Kristen said...

How funny! So....seriously does this child's mom have a white man or what?

Ashley King said...

Oh my gosh - that is too funny! So did the student's mom have a white van or just a white man?

Jake and Kim said...

Ok ok to clarify, I must say the student did not go home in a white van, and I have met her parents and I OFCOURSE I can only remember what the mom looks like..and she is hispanic. So maybe her dad is white!!? Who knows!

Ashley King said...

I just had to tell you - a girl I work's 4 year old son calls another guy we worth with "the black guy" because the first time her son met him, the guy was wearing a black shirt and pants. Gotta love kids.

The Alvords said...

That is HILARIOUS! I have a white man too...a really big one.