And I realized I will NOT be seeing "NB" on the tag of his clothes anymore. Nor "0-3mo." I really miss him being a little tiny newborn (well, tiny to all of you who have itty bittys). I miss:
-his newborn, swollen face
-his tiny-ness
-holding him on my lap as I burped him, and how he was all hunched over
-letting him sleep on my chest for as many naps as I wanted (we're working on 'good sleep habits' now)
-his newborn diapers
The bottom 2 were my favorites. The top was Jake's. I guess we'll just have to have another one some day!
BUT the great thing is, he is getting SO SO fun! His little personality is coming out. I love that he can:
-totally recognize daddy and mommy and likes to be picked up/cuddles by us
-focus and look at us and everything else
-I love his laughs, attempts at communicating (aka cooing), and smiles...he smiles with his whole body! He just gets so excited his whole body shows it.
-sleep more and more through the night (almost haha)
-grasp things
-suck on his fists
-hold his head up for a good amount of time now
-stand on his legs while I hold him under his arms.......and lots of other things but I've gotta go!
Babies are so fun! Being a mom is a blast, and the BEST job ever!!