Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's In the Air

Dear Winter,

No offense, but you were pretty weak this year so maybe just go ahead and throw in the towel. I have thoroughly enjoyed you, especially up through December 25. After that, well... Anyway I still love you and am very glad you change things up here in Utah. So how about we just call it even and we'll see ya next November? Love ya.

Dear Spring,
You're in the air, aren't you? All day you say "spring" then 7 o' clock rolls around and I start shivering if I'm outside. There are a lot of runners that are ready for you. They don't want to wear beanies and long sleeve shirts anymore. I hear this week you might disappear again for a few days. Tsk Tsk. Thank you for the chirping birds in the AM, here's hopin' they don't freeze to death after 7 o' clock. You see Spring, you have a lot to do around here, and well the birds are a good start but really let's get the ball rolling. I really am very excited for you to stay, so please, please come.


Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

Kim you kill me! I agree though! Alex is ready for spring too!

Chris and Brittani Knudsen said...

Amen to that!

The Richards said...

You took the words right out of my mouth, although you said it much better than I would have.

Ashley King said...

AHHH! Jinx! Look what you did! ;) But yes I agree, this has been a pretty laaaaaame winter, so let's just be over with it (although it seems to be trying to make up for it today)

rach said...