This weekend Jake and I spent 6 hours curled up all comfy on the couch to watch Conference. We were so lucky to attend another 2 hours at the Sunday AM session (thanks for the tickets Jordan!!) It was a cold morning but well worth it!
About 4 1/2 years ago, I would have said "why in the world would ANYONE spend 8 hours on the couch, taking up their entire weekend to watch "LDS Conference?" My answer to myself would be:
"Kim. Look at your life in the 4 1/2 years to come. Look how your heart burns with the knowledge of that church. Look how blissful you are to be married to this guy Jake. Kim you got married in the temple, isn't that something? Bet you might be shocked to hear that now, but you better believe it. Ya, crazy huh. That temple will give you answers to lots questions in your life that you may not otherwise find the answers to. Look how overfilled with joy you are to know your purpose here in this life. Kim, you will have a miscarriage...and somehow through all the nasty, deep mess of devastation and crushing sadness, you will come to understand so much more about the Lord and his son, and guess what: because of that you will pull through and in 4 weeks you will be okay! Kim. Trust me on this. 'That' church is true."
Not gonna lie. Becoming a member of 'that' church was the last thing I thought would ever happen in my life! But as you can see, I think I am okay with it now :-)
I think I speak for everyone who watched Holland's talk..SOLID. That man can deliver. By the end my eyes were wide and I was taken back by his power! I just said "wow."
Loved this post Kim!
First of all Kim you and Jake had better serve missions when you are old, because you are going to be one amazing missionary with a testimony like that. And yes Holland's talk was by far my favorite, I love it when he speaks because nothing is gray you either love the church and you are going to live it whole heartedly or you don't and he doesn't leave room for justification on our parts! I'm so glad that you joined the church, and that you love it so much!
Though I don't think I've ever talked to you in person, I just wanted to say I think you are a wonderful person. I know many girls in our ward look up to you and I do too!
First, I am so blessed to have you as one of my lifelong friends kim, you seriously amaze me! and Second, I hope you love your hair, because it's suttle but gorgeous on you, and the red popping out is soooo fun!
I hope you dont mind that I checked out your blog but I am Kimi Mascaro Fry and I have met you a few times. I was friends with Jake in high school many years ago :) Anyway, I wanted to say that I am so sorry about your loss. I know of many great doctors if you need some names and if you need some advice you can email me at I have worked for Fetal Fotos for 8 years and it also took us 3 years to get pregnant. I hope you are recovering and staying positive. I can tell that you are a very sweet girl!
Kim, you are amazing! I loved your post! I miss you so much and hope that all is well :)
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