Tuesday, June 16, 2009

When Tragedy Strikes

Yes it is tragic.  I know it is pathetic.  But still, tragic....So I have class every Monday night this summer semester from 5-9pm.  WHICH means I have to miss this:

 Yup.  Thank goodness for TiVo. And sweet husbands who have it turned on for me as I arrive home, just in time to see the intense "coming up next week."  

This morning at work, questions twirl through my head: "What happened last night?"  "Is Tanner weirdo still there?"  "I am so glad Dave is gone, and I hope he doesn't come back with revenge or something."  "Will 'Jill' find true love?"  Aaahh the joys of dramatic, possibly scripted romance.  I love every minute of it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

oh SICK!

I just thought I should share this awesome experience:

Today I was helping a student tie his sweatshirt around his waist and what to my surprise...I feel something gooey on my finger.  Any guesses???

A big GREEN BOOGER! "oh sick oh sick oh sick" I said under my breath, as I hurried to the sink to scald my hands in hot water and soap.  Then I slathered on hand sanitizer.

Oh and did I mention I am sick again, for the 7th time this year?  I WONDER WHY.

The culprit is this oh so adorable one in the green shirt.  Ya the one that says "You Can't Spell Awesome Without ME."  I freaking love this kid to death, he seriously so amazing and so cute.  I will miss him!!