Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tidbits of My Days

I realized that it's been a while since I've complained, boasted, or even just talked about my students on here!

We had our 100th Day Party (remember those?!) a couple weeks ago. I sent home a poster board with each student and told them they had to put 100 things on it, grouped by 10. Well "John" brought this:

Umm yes those are DEAD FISH. You're kidding me, right John's parents?? Nope. Here's a close up:
DISGUSTING. Don't even ask me how in the world they got these they dried them out...and how they attached them to the poster. I am just hoping they are sardines..which are still disgusting. All the other kids had such cute posters! Some used cereal to create members of their family, using 100 pieces total. Some did fruit snacks, or stickers, or candy. THOSE posters got stacked nicely in one pile. Needless to say John's poster went in the furthest corner of the room, face against the wall. I was gagging. sidenote: i still love john and will not judge him for his horrid creation.
*oh my gosh, in editing my blog, i just discovered 2 of John's fish are missing..oh my if they are somewhere in my help me!

-We were learning about "r" as an ending sound in words. A worksheet we did had pictures like "deer," "car," and so on. One little boy (not John) asked me, "Why isn't their 'beer' on there?" What do I say to that!? I was actually very proud of him because he totally thought of his own "r"-ending word.

-We spent 2 days on a writing project this week. It was a poem: "Snow, snow, go away. Come again another day. We all want to go and play. Snow, snow, go away!" They wrote that one day then the next they made a cute snowman out of paper that holds the poem. They turned out so cute! But this little boy said he was going to through his in the trash, because he LIKES snow. I guess that's what I get for teaching against someone's beliefs!

On a totally unrelated note, I came across these pics on the camera. Jake recently went flying with our good friend Nick...Captain Nick that is. He just got his pilot's license and now can officially fly the friendly sky (wow where did I get that from)..I told Jake to take the camera. These are the pics he took:

Pretty sweet! I wished to have seen a nice picture of Jake and Nick standing in front of the plane, arms on each other's shoulders...haha but for some reason boys don't think to take those kinds of pictures (I wonder why!).


Bethany said...

I am just hoping that the poster was done in humor... then it's a little bit awesome.

Alex, Brad, Carly & Devin said...

That is so gross! Hopefully they were dead when they got them! What an interesting family!
Looks like Jake had fun with good ol' Captain Nick!

Vernos said...

Disgusting! Oh my, and for a newly prego girl with morning sickness, no wonder you had to hide it! LOL! I hope you're feeling better soon:)

Ashley King said...

Boys really don't take those kinds of pictures on their own. LOL!

The fish are freakin' SICK. I want to gag right now.